Friday 6 April 2012

Mmmm Chicken, Day One: Part Two

So after, my little snack I follow my new 'friend', whose name I find out is Ralof(probably won't remember his name anyway, gonna take off the first chance I get!), right into a torture room!! Lovely blood splatters on the floor there, really livens the place up:
I proceed to pick a few locks to see if I can find any good loot and it turns out I am quite good at picking locks, I only broke one!! There isn't really anything of value in this torture room except a few stray instruments of death, I mean weapons, lying around. I come across an Iron Mace and decide to try it out, I really prefer using my claws but thought I would give it a go. I start thinking that maybe having my head lopped off wasn't such a bad idea when I spot these guys:
Anyway, we continue our journey into another room where there are more guys dressed in red who start attacking us!! Don't they give up?? There's a huge Dragon outside the walls and all they care about is aprehending some escaped prisoners?? You would think there was a civil war goin on or something. I jump down and smash some guys up with my new Iron Mace, when I am suddenly told that my endurance has run out, so I stop flailing and hide behind a pillar whilst some archers are shooting at me. When I have finally recovered some 'endurance' I run back up to help old Ralof out, but see that he has already battered them to a pulp. Well, thanks... A bit over the top but hey!! A longbow!! I decide to not bother with the Iron Mace anymore, since my fists and claws seem to do more damage (really?? they were wearing armour!!) and equip my new Longbow and some arrows I loot from their bloodied corpses. We continue our journey and come to a stream path in the rocky tunnel:
Ralof decides not to take that path, thank god, I hate water!! We stroll through the tunnel a bit further and is it just me or are there huge spider webs on all the walls?? Oh, ok giant spiders attack us and I manage to take one out with my new Longbow, Ralof takes out the other four, maybe I need more practice with this thing?
Dead spiders!! I loot their corpses for poison which may come in handy later on and stop to search for spider eggs, yummy. As Ralof an I enter a large cavern, we spot a sleeping bear ahead, so we both crouch into sneak mode. He then asks me whether I would like to take it down or try and sneak past. Well, I need to test out my new Longbow don't I? I sneakily take aim as the bear awakes and blam, only two arrows and he goes down!! Woop woop!! I run towards the bear licking my lips at the thought of some tasty bear meat, but only manage to come away with it's pelt and some claws!! We run up a small incline together, and suddenly sunlight is streaming towards us!! Freedom!!
My first view of the outside world, I actually can't focus my eyes for a while, it must have been dark in that cave!! Oh wait, here's a better view:
Ralof says that we should split up and rambles something about joining the Stormcloak rebellion, I don't really care about all that. He starts walking off and I decide to stalk him for fun, but it turns out that he is actually waiting for me to follow him, so I give up and walk along listening to his unimportant mutterings. He leads me past a cave entrance where some random bandit fellow starts smacking Ralof in the back! I jump on him and proceed to punch him in the face until he dies.
I actually feel sorry for this guy, I punched his face off! Well not too sorry, since I rob him of all his armour and then wear it, just because it looks better than those blue uniforms the 'Stormcloaks' seem to love. It's actually fur armour, which feels kind of strange wearing since I already have fur, but I think I look pretty dapper in my new threads.
Ralof and I continue to stroll down the meandering path, and I notice that the day didn't turn out all that bad, weather-wise. It's a lovely sunny day and I have my freedom back too, so that's always a good thing. On our way I kill a couple Wolves and take their stinking, mangy pelts with me, I lose sight of Ralof, but do I really care that much?? Suddenly, my deductive senses tell me that I am in Riverwood!! I spot an old crazy lady who is shouting about Dragons in the middle of the street, then think; she's actually not crazy since there are Dragons flying around! Well, I'm sure these townfolk will find out the truth soon enough... I spot a tasty looking chicken running around but thought it would be rude to just snatch it up and eat it in front of everybody. I stroll over to the local tanning rack to turn my collected pelts into leather, well not before asking the burly man in front of the rack if it was ok. I sell the burly blacksmith type all the crappy weapons I seemed to have picked up and make a little money for my troubles. My stomach is rumbling by now and the sun is going down so I decide to look for a place to rest. I accidentally walk into the local general store and overhear two people having an arguement. I hear the words 'Thief chasing' and decide to hightail it out of there, just incase one of them asks what my occupation is... I finally find an inn to settle down in, rent a room for the night, buy up all their meat stocks and a bottle of ale then sit down for a well needed meal. I consume a lovely cooked Venison Chop washed down with my bottle of ale, then decide to eat a Pheasant's breast for dessert. Mmmmmm meat. As I finish my meal, I realise that the lady I just rented a room from is standing not two feet from me, just staring:
I can see you , Bitch. I feel pretty uncomfortable in this Inn, so I stand up and immediately an old redhead, probably alcoholic fifty-ish man, pushes past me and shouts "get out of my way!". Hmmpphh! I quietly walk over to the alchemy lab and fix up some potions, maybe I can sell them later. I take one last look around the cosy-looking room and feel that the atmosphere is quite chilly, so I retire to my rented room and prepare to stand by my bed for eight hours...

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