Thursday 5 April 2012


Hello there! This is my new blog, inspired by The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This is the very first post, so I will fill you all in on some details about this blog. First of all, this blog follows the story of a female Khajiit called Dar'Shavari who ends up in Skyrim right where the game begins. There are going to be some rules that I will follow during this story eg: RPG rules that I will apply to myself, the game will in no way enforce them, since I am just making them up for a more interesting and involved game world. Most of the rules have to do with the kind of character I have created and some are just for fun, but I made a list: 1. I must eat and sleep 2. Not to chase the main storyline or any quests that would not be in character 3. I will not step out of character 4. No fast travelling!! 5. Not to run into random dungeons The main rule is STAY IN CHARACTER!! (Mega RPG obsessive disorder there) There should probably be more rules, but these were all I came up with so far... Anyway, since I have been going on about staying in character so much, I should probably flesh out the character a bit. So, in the not so distant past (about two years ago), Dar'Shavari once was the leader of an all male bandit camp in the North of Cyrodil, near Bruma. Needless to say she had a hard time keeping her status; every night a member of her group would enter her private tent and try to overpower her with guile, wits and muscle. This approach never seemed to work though, as she always slept with one eye open and her claws sharpened to needlepoints. Her group of bandits used to raid small towns and camps, stealing here and there, but never actually going into a city to grab the bigger pay offs, and this didn't sit well with Dar'Shavari. One of the problems with her group was Skooma Addiction. It is a stereotype held by many of Tamriel's citizens of Khajiit's behaviour, and she loathed to admit that her gang had submitted to it's vile calling. Dar'Shavari managed to resist this temptation by sheer force of will and the hunger of yet bigger and better baubles and trinkets to steal. And thus, she headed out alone one cold night, north towards Skyrim with the idea of new treasure and fortunes to be found! But alas, she hadn't kept up with the times and didn't expect such a frosty welcome when she tried to cross the border into her new city of dreams, Skyrim. This point is where we find our special friend, Dar'Shavari manacled and bustled into a waiting cart... Theres a link to a video that I took if you copy this link: The video quality is pretty messed up, don't know what the green and blue is about?? But you have all seen this scene before so... Anyway, Day One Next Time!! Hope you all liked my intro!!

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