Friday 6 April 2012

It's A Dragon!! Day One: Part One

It's a horrible, dreary Sundas morning as Dar'Shavari comes to in the back of a rumbling cart, heading for who knows where. Her hands are manacled and she is faced with another three prisoners staring at her sprawling form, Damn men! Watch the intro video here if you have never seen it before: She tries to focus her eyes as some guy starts going on like he's her new best friend! Look, I don't care who these people are, I have never been to Skyrim and I am starting to regret coming here at all!! It's only her first day in Skyrim and she is being treated like some scumbag, who just strolled out of the woods... Oh wait...
Yeah, look pretty scruffy there... Anyway, it appears that we are entering some kind of town, when the weather clears up and Dar'Shavari starts to think that things might also look up for her situation too(cats are known to be pretty happy when the sun comes out). She quickly realises though, that being lined up and called out by name might not be such a good thing, considering her reputation in the north of Cyrodil. Suddenly, some fool dashes forwards shouting "You're not gonna kill me!" and proceeds to be shot down by the town's guard, famous last words. The people holding us hostage suddenly notice that I exist and ask me to step forwards, where I am suddenly given a view of my large furry face and asked to choose my hairstyle and other such accessories. Aw how thoughtful of them, to let me get all trussed up before being executed! (I gathered that this is what is happening)
The town guard fellow, then proceeds to insult me by saying "You're kind always seems to find trouble!" Wow, these Skyrim people really don't like us Khajiit! Then goes on to say how sorry he is that I am to be killed with the rest of this riff raff, if he were really sorry, he would just let me out of my chains, and I could be on my way... No such luck. As I watch some guy be beheaded right in front of me, I wonder whose stupid decision it was to come to this horrible, predjudiced realm anyway, and realise I only have myself to blame. They call me forward, "The Cat" they say, oh well, I could have died a worse death. I imagine my furry corpse rotting away in some damp cave somewhere being molested by Trolls and resign myself to placing my head on the block. As memories of my childhood flash before my eyes, (me and my eleven siblings rolling around in front of a fireplace) all of the many creatures I have killed, suddenly appear to me and seem to be mockingly calling out for... What the?? Holy crap! Theres a bloody Dragon!!! As everyone scatters from the scene, I manage to run blindly into a building, feeling the tip of my tail singe as I jump through the doorway with my somewhat clumsy, feline grace. I stop to catch my breath and some guy is barking orders at me!
Oh, wait, all he wants to do is untie my hands... Thanks guy, but weren't you trying to kill me earlier? These Humans all look the same to me. He then points to a dead guy on the floor and tells me to take what I need.
Sorry Gunjar, your lifeless body will serve as a reminder of the new, slightly corpse-smelling outfit that I have just procured for myself.
Well, at least I look better in this outfit! The 'stormcloak', as he likes to call himself runs off and I decide to follow him. It's better than hanging around here trying to hide under the table like there's a storm going on outside! As I jump down from a hole in the wall, I suddenly get a reminder that there is a Dragon on our tails as a wall of fire fills my vision.
I frantically run around the decaying town as fireballs fall from the sky and notice that some humans are actually trying to fight the dragon!! Idiots! My motto is, if it sounds like the world is ending outside, run and hide under the kitchen table! (Preferably curled up with a saucer of milk) I manage to make it into another building and come face to face with the stormcloak wearing blue from earlier. We decide to get the hell out of there using a secret passage, but not before searching this new building for stuff to take with us. Wow, being told to loot a place at a time like this?? Seems good to me!
I grab a few potions and some cheap-ass swords off some of the dead guys. These people are actually quite poor, in the cupboards all I find are some rolls of paper and pewter mugs, boring. Then I spot some dead game hanging from a drying rack and notice that I am actually famished, my stomach starts to rumble as I carefully slice off some rabbit's legs and a pheasant breast to take with me. The stormcloak keeps telling me to hurry up, but there's always time for a quick snack! I munch down on a raw rabbit leg and take a moment to think about the bad situation I was just in... Hell, even a Dragon outside the walls is better than lying on a chopping block a hair's breadth from certain death!! Now to escape! Check my next post for Part Two of Day One, hope you all enjoyed xx

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